EZ Detect Frequently Asked Questions
The purpose is to detect occult blood (blood not visible to the naked eye), which indicates bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Such bleeding may be a symptom of colorectal cancer.
No. This test is very user friendly, and requires no stool collection.
The risk of colorectal cancer is higher among people over the age of 45. In addition, people in high-risk categories for colorectal cancer should take the test. These include:
- Those who have had colorectal cancer
- Women who have had breast cancer, or reproductive tract cancer
- Those who have had benign intestinal polyps
- Those with a parent, sister or brother who have had colorectal cancer
Note: Persons with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are at increased risk of developing colorectal cancer; however, different screening methods should be used.
Yes. Many cancers and polyps do not cause pain or other symptoms on the onset, but can be detected at an early stage by minute quantities of blood in the stool.
A positive test means that there may be bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Benign conditions such as polyps, hemorrhoids, rectal fissures, or even stomach ulcers can cause bleeding that would give a positive result. Most studies suggest that only 5 to 10 percent of those with positive test results will be diagnosed as having cancer. However, it is imperative that anyone with a positive test result see a physician as soon as possible to determine the cause of the bleeding.
Contact your family physician for an appointment.
Yes. Any visible blue-green color in the test area is considered a "positive" result. The whole test area does not have to turn blue-green to be considered as a positive result.
To establish a physician baseline and to keep your doctor informed.
No. However, for two days before and during testing, try to eat vegetables, fruits and cereals. These foods contain fiber and may assist you in having easier bowel movements.
Trace chemicals in the water might interfere with the test.
In some regions the water may contain substances that interfere with this test and could cause false positive results.
To protect the remaining pads from light and moisture.
Within 2 minutes look for a blue-green color on the test area of the test tissue.
If your last test tissue does not turn a blue-green color it may be because the powder did not dissolve properly. To dissolve the powder we suggest sprinkling the powder into the toilet bowl while it is filling up with clean water to avoid this problem. If you have any problems with the positive control portion of the test, please contact us and our customer service staff will be happy to assist you in any way.
The Positive Control powder on the surface of the water may not have completely dissolved and causes an overreaction with the test tissue. The overreaction appears as an orange or rust color. In this case the test result is considered “positive”.
If the cancer is found early and treated properly, more than 90 percent of patients survive five years or more. That's why taking this test is so important.
* If you are unsure how to take the test after reading the instructions, please call our toll free number (800) 854-3002, or send us an email to info@biomerica.com and one of our customer service representatives will answer any questions you may have.
SOURCES: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute
DISCLAIMER: The information provided here is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your health care provider for advice about a specific medical condition. The information provided here is for educational purposes only. In no way should it be considered as offering medical advice. Biomerica, Inc. assumes no responsibility for how this material is used. Please check with a physician (such as a gastroenterologist) if you suspect you are ill.
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