About EZ Detect™
"Early Detection is the Best Protection"
The EZ Detect™ Colon Disease Test is the most cost effective and convenient test available for at-home detection of hidden blood in the stool, one of the primary early warning signs of colorectal disease. Hidden blood in the stool can be caused by bleeding ulcers, hemorrhoids, polyps, colitis, diverticulitis, fissures or cancer of the colon.
EZ Detect™ is a simple, sanitary, fast home test requiring no stool handling. The user simply drops a test tissue into the toilet bowl, and if blood is present, a blue-green color will appear within two minutes.
Physicians, hospitals, and pharmacies utilize the test. EZ Detect™ has no dietary restrictions before or during the testing period.
The test kit contains 5 testing pads, a performance control package, and instruction booklet. There are enough pads to test 3 consecutive bowel movements. A result card is also provided to record your results and send to your physician. This test does not require a Doctor’s visit, however, results should be recorded with your doctor for future reference.
EZ Detect™ can be found in pharmacies or can be ordered here.
Benefits of EZ Detect™
- Reliable and Accurate – FDA cleared. Clinically proven. Used by hospitals and physicians worldwide.
- Convenient, Sanitary – Easy throw-in-the-bowl test. No messy handling of stool.
- Quick, simple to use – Just drop a test pad in the toilet after a bowel movement. See the results of the test in just 2 minutes. Repeat the test with the next two bowel movements.
- Easy-to-read results – Test area of pad will turn blue/green if blood is detected.
- No dietary restrictions.
- Does not require lab processing.
Materials Provided
Each test kit is for one user. The kit contains:
- A foil pouch containing five test tissues
- One Positive Control package
- One patient instruction sheet
- One test result post card for mailing results to a doctor or lab
What To Do If The Result is Positive
If the test is positive (any blue-green color appears in the test area of the pad) during a test, you likely have blood in the stool above the level for a normal healthy individual. Do not dismiss the findings even though there occasionally can be false positives with the test. Immediately contact your physician for follow-up and further screening (such as colonoscopy) and testing. Strongly consider seeking an appointment with a gastroenterologist, (a specialist in digestive health matters).
DISCLAIMER: The information provided here is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your health care provider for advice about a specific medical condition. The information provided here is for educational purposes only. In no way should it be considered as offering medical advice. Biomerica, Inc. assumes no responsibility for how this material is used. Please check with a physician (such as a gastroenterologist) if you suspect you are ill.
Order EZ Detect™
Order EZ Detect™ today Risk Free! Your satisfaction is
unconditionally guaranteed or Biomerica will refund your
money in full. Any questions? Call 1-800-854-3002.